Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 76: German Chocolates & Weird Boys

Boys are so weird... This guy gives me chocolates and a cute little teddy bear for Valentine's day, but now he doesn't want to talk to me ever again! What's up with that? Ha!


pescbrico said...

sometime, they does not understand themself! I wish you a great day! :)

Mrs. Fence said...

Boys are weird, Laura. We learn this very early in our lives, then choose to forget it somewhere along the way...I guess, so that we will be attracted to one someday, even though we know they are weird! hee hee I wouldn't worry about it, I'd just enjoy the chocolate!

Wholelottamuse said...

yummy confusion in a box!

Cindi said...

keep the chocolate, and enjoy..ignore the weird boys lol